Code of Conduct

The Miel Brewery Code of Conduct is our commitment to putting our morals into action. It is a reminder to hold ourselves to the highest of standards in terms of ethics. As a whole we pride ourselves in our commitment to producing quality products in an environment where respect and transparency is paramount.

While our team is expected to carry these values inside the taproom, we hope that our values inspire all those who visit Miel.

Equal Work Opportunity

Here at Miel Brewery we believe we are all equal despite race, color, religion, gender identity, or any other aspect that might make us different from one another. We strive to provide equal opportunities for all groups and welcome diversity and people from all backgrounds. Discrimination of any sort will not be tolerated. While at the brewery, we expect both our staff and patrons to treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Quality, Not Just In Beer

Our products are not just produced by one person, but instead in a collaborative effort with everyone on our team. As new ideas are turned into tangible products, we want to ensure that each hand guiding the process from start to finish contributes with intension. In the end, we hope that this process yields a premium product that we can all take pride in.


We treat others with fairness and dignity. This means more than just politeness, this means fostering an environment of encouragement and support.


We practice transparency through open communication and accountability for ones actions. Management always practices an open door policy with all matters. We hope that transparency builds trust and mutual respect at all levels of our company.

Responsible Consumption

As a manufacturer of alcohol, it is very important for our team to consume beer in a responsible manner off and on the clock. We understand and respect our employees’ ability to use their best judgement, but in no situation should our staff consume to the point where that judgment maybe skewed.

Reporting Issues

As part of our Code of Conduct we want to assure all members of our team that any issue, no matter the magnitude, will be taken seriously and handled with the proper attention until resolved. If we are approached with an incident, a report will be generated and any necessary further action will be taken. As each circumstance is different, the actions that follow will also different.

We hope that most issues we face will be resolved amongst ourselves. However, if it is ever necessary to seek assistance from a third party, we will not hesitate to do so. We understand that it may be difficult to come forward about certain issues, which is why we pledge to keep all reports anonymous in order to assure a safe and retaliation-free workspace.

We’re Listening

We hope that we’ve created a space where all feel safe and welcome; if you feel there’s something we could be doing to improve this, let us know. We’d love to hear from you and are open to all suggestions. Please do not hesitate to contact our manager or owners:

Wed 9/11: Closed all day due to storm! Stay safe y’all and we’ll see you Thursday. 

Miel is closed all day on Thursday, January 2nd, for a private event! 

Miel is closed for Thanksgiving, see you on Friday from 1pm-9pm!

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